Senin, 03 November 2014



What is Debian ?
Debian is an all-volunteer organization dedicated to developing free software and promoting the ideals of the Free Software community. The Debian Project began in 1993, when Ian Murdock issued an open invitation to software developers to contribute to a complete and coherent software distribution based on the relatively new Linux kernel. That relatively small band of dedicated enthusiasts, originally funded by the Free Software Foundation and influenced by the GNU philosophy, has grown over the years into an organization of around 951 Debian Developers.

Minimum Hardware Requirements !
It's have two optional for your installation, when you need graphical interfaces or if you just wont use it for server or CLI (command line interface).
here is the minimum requirenment.
For No Desktop :
Need minimum Ram 64 megabytes and Hardisk 1 gigabyte, and its also recomended that you have to got 256 megabytes of Ram.
For Desktop :
Need minimum 128 megabytes (512 megabytes of Ram recomended)  and 5 gigabyte Hardisk.

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